

Fuck you titty suckin, two balled bitch
With a fat bruised clit
My big compoto bitch
Oh shit, fucking, ass licking, piss sucking, cunt
These nuts on your lips
Kentucky fried kung-pao clits

I don't know what to say
So what don't give up on me now (don't give a fuck) (don't get off on me)
I don't know what to say, so what

Saggy tits swinging between your fat, crusty arm pits
Big ass hairy mole between your pussy lips
Cunt, shit, cock, dick, cunt, tit, barf, piss, balls, ass, pecker, queef
Oh shit, fuck, bitch, damn fuckin diarhea slut, with HIV


I have fought to find something to say,
But now I found something to say
Fuck you!, Punk ass bitch



Song Meaning

"People think it's sexist but it isn't. It's more subconcious bitching at all the women who've been with me in my life. It's not about women in general, just those women who hurt me. Initially, we wrote it to send to American radio for a joke, because they always chop up all the other songs. So we were going to send a 'real' single seven days later." - Jonathan Davis

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