Tonight I Wished Upon A Star ===>

Tonight I wished upon a star
Gleaming so bright and hopeful
Maybe my wish will be granted tonight
Because tonight I need it more than anything

Tonight I've been alone
And I don't want that anymore
Pray to the heavens, believe the faith
Maybe I'll be rewarded with wish come true

But not this never night
I've been spited by up above
Someone must not like me
Because I've been passed down again
Maybe the one thing will be true
Will be you

Tonight I've been alone
And I don't want that anymore
Pray to the heavens, believe the faith
Maybe I'll be rewarded with wish come true

I don't want my wish anymore
I see it as a lie, something that hurts
Why believe in something that punishes so much and gives nothing
I put my wishes into someone else's hands
Maybe they'll take better care of me than who I trust now

Tonight I wished upon a special star
Someone that makes the lies not hurt so much
But comfort when I'm not feeling well
And hear me speak about the times of the unhappiness
And the times of being with you
Will you be my star and shine for me?

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